We got to the Stadium and parked in the Hooters parking lot (its way cheaper). We were hungry so we went to Hooters.
I actually like the food at Hooters. I don't really care about the girls in the skimpy outfits. I mean by today's standards, the outfits really are not scandalous.
Hooters makes a mean chicken sandwich.

And its hard to screw up onion rings and Caesar salad.

We even split a pitcher of beer. We are classy sisters. We asked a very nice Hooters girl to take our picture and she gladly did so. Although some drunk guy came up and started harassing her about her photography skills.

So she took his picture...and he ended up on my blog. You can tell he is a gentleman by the tattoo on his neck and hair-baring tank top.

Stephanie was confused by the Hooters girls.

She didn't understand why they kept writing their name down on a piece of paper on our table. I told her that is just what Hooters girls do. Stephanie did not care to know their names.
Booo I hate that when you go to all that effort and then you are foiled.