Well, I do now. For a very, very, long time I have refused to wear shorts. In fact, these shorts are probably from college, there is a slight possibility they are from high school. I have always been so self-conscious to wear shorts in public, convinced they make me look super, seriously fat.
But today, when I went to Target, I thought, "hey, why don't I throw a pair of shorts on instead of getting all dressed up?" I dug these beauties out of my closet, took a deep breath, and put them on.

Now I know they do not look fantastic; hell, I'm not even sure jean shorts are in style anymore. What I do know is that (1) these shorts fit, and (2) my husband said I looked cute in them, and not fat at all. Woo hoo! Wearing these shorts in public really makes me feel like all the dieting and working out is paying off! And Frank was very proud of me as well.
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