Monday, August 31, 2009

Saturday Night at the Theatre

This past Saturday night, Brady and I went to see "One Flea Spare" by Naomi Wallace at the Hunger Artists Theatre in Fullerton.

"One Flea Spare" is set in London during the 17th century plague and centers around a wealthy couple who are just about to be let off of quarantine when a young girl and sailor break into their house, resulting in another 28 days of quarantine. The play is a study of human personality as it plays out in such close quarters and how it results from broken relationships and new beginnings.

I was very impressed with the production of this play. Everyone was extremely good in it. I think that the mark of a good play, book, movie, etc. is its ability to suspend the viewer from reality. Do you get sucked into the story? Are you able to forget about work, bills that need to be paid, house that needs to be cleaned, the chores of life? I had read the play before I saw it performed and was completely sucked into the story. I read it in one sitting, not even leaving the couch for wine. I was a little nervous to see it performed because I liked it in its written word form so much, I wanted to enjoy it as much as it was performed. And I did. It was gripping.
Stephanie's boyfriend, Anthony played Snelgrave, the husband of the wealthy couple. It's interesting to see someone you know act. Even though they may be in character, you catch a glimpse of a mannerism, a tone of voice, a gesture, that signals to you that this is the person you know.

This was not so with Anthony's performance. He was transformed so deeply into his character he ceased to be the person that I knew in reality and became this vile, disturbing, antagonist. It was almost shocking to see him after the show and back as my sister's laid back, easy going boyfriend. He gave a very good performance.

And while the show had some minor glitches with props and costumes (which I only found out over drinks after the show with Steph and Anthony) it was a great show. And there's nudity, full frontal nudity. Tastefully done of course. And who doesn't love a little nudity with their theatre? Although, a word of warning if you go see a show at Hunger Artists, it is hotter than hell inside that theatre, dress accordingly.

For more information regarding "One Flea Spare" and other productions, please click here.

Photos courtesy of Anthony Galleran and Hunger Artists Theatre.


  1. There is nothing like fine acting with nudity. You are so lucky to get to go to so many plays :)

  2. nudity works nearly everywhere!! Well, maybe except for a funeral home...hahaha!

  3. aw, thanks Court. You're the best.
