Needless to say I had a score to settle with chocolate chip cookies. Specifically the Tollhouse recipe. Watch out cookies, I'm about to own you.

Stephanie was there to assist me with the baking. I also got to break out my new hand mixer. Look at this bad boy, it just screams power.

The cookie process is going well, the dough actually looks like real cookie dough. But making the dough isn't my problem, it's the burning that I have issues with.

Looking good, looking real good.

Ta Da! Chocolate chip cookies that are not burned in the slightest! Success! Victory is mine! Take that chocolate chip cookie!

Back to my original Christmas cookie debacle. Like I said, my mom thought it was cute that I tried to bake, so she shellaced one of the cookies (shellac is a clear sealant used to preserve stuff for crafts). She left it on her dresser to dry. Later in the day, she walked past her dresser and looked at the shellaced cookie. It had a bite out of it. We came to find that my brother had seen the cookie and taken a bite out of it, shellac and all.
Great job with the cookies, they look yummy, I am trying not to lick the screen. Stupid diet!