I made it once for Brady and it was kind of a disaster. In the process of roasting my peppers, I set off our smoke detector about 10 times. Brady was yelling at me to fan the air around the smoke detector, I was yelling that I was too short to do that, the dogs were freaking out, and we could not get the stupid thing to stop beeping. After all of that, Brady didn't really love the recipe, I liked it but I was so frazzled from the hassle of roasting the peppers and the smoke detector that I did not get to quite enjoy it.
So tonight Brady is at an Angels game and I have decided to give the recipe another try. This time I only roasted two peppers (previously I had roasted five) and managed to not set off the smoke detector at all. I love the smell of roasted red peppers.

Basically the recipe is roasted red peppers, pureed in the blender and sauteed with onion and garlic and heavy cream added at the end. So I tried to make this a little healthier, I used low sodium chicken broth instead of heavy cream and at the end I added a dollop of low fat plain yogurt for the creaminess. I didn't have an onion so I used a shallot, I did have plenty of garlic though.
This recipe finally got me to use my food processor which had been sitting in its box for almost a year. Before Brady and I were even engaged, I talked about wanting to register for a food processor. I wouldn't let me buy him one, I had bridal visions of going to Macy's and picking out my food processor and it arriving at my parent's house in frilly white bridal wrapping paper with a big white bow. And then I got it, and it seemed really intimidating and I didn't use it for almost a year. After 20 minutes of wrestling with the stupid thing, I finally figured out how to get the bowl to lock so I could turn the damn thing on and now I love my food processor.

I am still afraid of my crock pot. I just don't trust something that can stay on for eight hours and not explode, it doesn't seem right. Countless people have told me that you can leave it on all day and it's fine. I've had the thing for almost three years and I've never used it. I think I need to use it on a Saturday so that I can observe it cooking all day and not exploding. Then maybe I will feel comfortable with using it during the week.
Back to the roasted red pepper recipe. It is ok, but not great. It is just not that great as a pasta sauce, I'm not sure why. It isn't saucy enough. I think it would be a better dip, kind of a roasted red pepper bruschetta or maybe with pita chips. I think I'm going to let this recipe go, we were not meant to be. It's really not any one's fault. We decided to still be friends but it's time that pasta with roasted red pepper sauce and I parted ways.
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