And a Michigan gnome, his name is Maize.

And a giant, blow-up Wolverine. We actually own one of these. Thankfully, Brady has yet to put it up.

Usually, when I watch the Michigan games with Brady, I watch a couple quarters, eat some food, and leave to go to Target....unattended. This did not happen during this game. I was riveted to the game. It was such a close game. Michigan was leading, then Notre Dame pulled ahead and then Michigan, and so on. At the end of the game, Notre Dame was winning and it looked like Michigan was about to score a touchdown to win the game...and then the guy dropped the ball in the endzone. (I'm probably describing this wrong, but I'm a newbie football fan and definitely not a sports writer). When the Michigan player dropped the ball, I saw tears in Brady's eyes. He looked like he had been punched in the gut. I was staring at the t.v. screen in disbelief. But then Michigan set up again and scored a touchdown for the win. The restaurant errupted, Brady and I were jumping up and down, hugging each other. Although I am a reluctant football fan, when a game is as good as this game was, its pretty hard to not fall in love with the sport.

I don't think I have ever jumped up and down and hugged someone about something happening at U.C. Santa Barbara. I love my school, but there is not exactly a ton of school spirit at UCSB.
So yay for Michigan, but I am currently getting my butt kicked in fantasy football and USC won, so it wasn't a perfect football weekend, but pretty damn close.
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