We went to Ponte and tasted there. Then Jader and I dropped the boys off so they could watch football and we went on to Hart Winery. The tasting room was just down the hill from this house. I would like this to be my next house, a big giant house on the grounds of a winery...sounds pretty perfect to me.

Jader and I eventually rejoined the boys for steaks, wine, and football. Jader made this awesome grilled corn, my grilled corn definitely does not look or taste like hers. She made these little foil packets with butter and grilled the corn in that, so good.
This is my niece Sunshine. Jader got Sunshine when we were living together our senior year in college. She was just a teeny, tiny puppy back then and I used to puppy sit her. She's a border collie mix, just like my parents' Jaeger. I'm still trying to get them together for a date. She's a good dog, even if she does enjoy eating fences.

I had a gift card for Ponte from my bridal shower, over a year ago. I finally got to use it this weekend. Brady and I received a lot of gift cards from our wedding and we are good at using them. I mean we use gift cards to their absolute potential. A gift card is a challenge to us, we have to get as much as possible for the value of the card.
I think we did well with our Ponte purchases, we got two tastings, a bottle of yummy pinot grigio, two different kinds of specialty pesto, and three candle holders that are our new coffee table centerpiece.

I heart these candle holders, they look like fancy pineapples. I heart pineapples. They are good to eat, look good, smell good, pineapples are the best.

We had lots of fun with Jader and Mr. Jader, everytime I'm out in Temecula it makes me want to move there and have a giant house and wine taste all day long.
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