But I realized I was having two major cravings.
The first is hot dogs. I've always liked hot dogs so this is not that surprising; but I rarely eat them because, well they are horrible for you and who know what's in them. But now, I'm averaging a hot dog a week. I love them. I obsess about them. I have to have them. I know they give me wicked heartburn and I don't even care. I get my hot dog and my tums and I'm a happy lady.

My second craving? Dancing. Yep, dancing. I want to go dancing sooooo bad. I love to dance. DJs, live bands, karaoke, show tunes, I don't care. If it has a beat I'll groove to it.
Here I am dancing at Pechanga Casino after Jader's wedding. I may look like a fool but I look happy.

The only problem is that it's kinda inappropriate for a big ol' pregnant lady to go shaking her groove thang at the local club. Plus, Brady isn't really the clubbing type. I also do not want to go to a club and be forced to watch all the little 21 year olds try to find something to go home with. Or maybe I do, that might be funny. So no going to a club to dance for me. I am going to a wedding in March, hopefully I'll be able to squeeze in a little dance there. In the meantime, I'm going to get a hot dog.
I loooved hotdogs while I was pregnant!--EE