I went to Michael's because I had a 20% off coupon. Alas, my coupon was only good on regular priced items and everything I bought was on sale. But I did get some great deals. I love Michaels. Every time I'm there I have to resist buying loads of yarn, I have to keep telling myself that I have never finished knitting a scarf so there is really no need for additional yarn.
I picked this up for my door.

I love this so much! It is so perfect, especially since my neighbors think I'm a witch.

This little guy was a smokin' good deal.

Hello happy scarecrow, welcome to the neighborhood.

And my all time favorite, the scary, hairy spider in my tree.

This guy freaked me out so much, I almost couldn't pick him up to purchase him. I conquered my fears and put him in my basket. Now I think a need a few more spiders in my tree.
Love halloween cute decorations.