Sunday, October 18, 2009

Housewarming Party

This past Saturday, Brady and I hosted an all day open house style house warming party. We had lots of friends and family over and it was loads of fun.

Here is all the food I cooked, breakfast hasbrown casserole, macaroni and cheese, baked beans:

Here is the awesome meat I got from Johnny Reb's:

Here is the gigantic University of Michigan wolverine that Brady blew up and stuffed into a corner of our house:

Here are friends and family:

What? You can't see the pictures? What happened? Oh yeah, I didn't take any pictures. Not one single picture. We had a totally fun party with tons of people that we don't see very often and I didn't break out my camera once. I, who takes pictures of absolutely everything, did not snap a solitary photo. In my defense, being a hostess for an all-day party can be pretty exhausting. Between talking to everyone, making sure the chips and salsa was well stocked, keeping the food warm, watching the bullies, I never got a chance to take pictures.

Despite the lack of pictures, I'm so glad we finally got around to having this housewarming party. We've lived in this house since last January so it was about time. I stayed up till 1am on Friday night getting everything ready, cooking, cleaning, etc. I had a crazy week at work and had done nothing to prepare for Saturday. It was a lot of work but totally worth it because it was a lot of fun. The Brady says, "let's have a Halloween party." I don't think so buddy, two parties in one month is so not happening!

1 comment:

  1. What great fun! I wish we had a house warming party when we moved into our house. But my husband crushed a finger moving in and I was hugely pregnant. I didn't feel much like entertaining. Do you think 2 years is too late to wait to have a house warming party?
