In the spirit of Thanksgiving, and in the spirit of cleaning up any holiday funk laying around, I have decided to do a "day in my life," the grateful version. Be forewarned, I'm about to get a little sappy.
Around 5:30 a.m. I hear whimpers from the nursery. I go in to see a baby not quite ready to wake up but wanting to snuggle. I am so grateful for those snuggles! I bring Leo into bed with us and catch another half hour of sleep. Around 6 a.m. I wake up and see my boys sleeping soundly and feel incredibly blessed to have a husband who loves me and a happy healthy baby (ok toddler).
I get out of the shower to a still sleeping husband and a just waking up happy baby. I adore how happy he is in the morning. I get ready while Leo runs around the bedroom and hides the toothpaste from my husband.

After we are all dressed we head downstairs for breakfast. I present his highness with eggs, homemade whole wheat zucchini bread and wait with baited breath to see if he eats it. Today I'm grateful that he actually ate something!

Next I feed the dogs, pack up our bags, and we head out the door by 7:30-7:45 ish. Mickey isn't pictured but I love my bulldogs and I am grateful that they are sweet dogs who get along with Leo and are in (mostly) good health.

I drop Leo off at daycare around 8 a.m. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm extremely grateful to have a fantastic daycare so close to my house with sincere, caring teachers. My son is thriving there and his teachers have been a huge help to me.
Then I'm off to work where I do a number of lawyerly things. Some of which include reading blogs and playing on pinterest. (What? Everyone needs a mental break sometimes!) In reality, I'm researching, writing, emailing, conference calling, meeting, putting out fires. I am grateful to have an excellent job which challenges me on a daily basis, allows me to provide for my family, and keeps me sane.
I'm out the door by 4:45 p.m. and off to pick up Leo. We get home around 6 p.m. and today I am grateful that I made dinner the night before. I just had to heat it up and we were eating. My husband gets home around 7 p.m. and we play, hang out, watch Yo Gabba Gabba until bathtime. I don't like that we eat without my husband but I'm incredibly grateful for how hard he works for our family.

Around 8 p.m., it's bath, last sippy cup of milk, teeth brushing, stories, and then off to bed. Tonight I am grateful for easy bedtime routines because mama is tired.

After Leo is in bed, I clean up the kitchen, watch t.v., play on the internet, hang out with the husband, tweet, blog, eat ice cream, drink wine. There are so many more things I'm thankful for: good friends; a warm, cozy house; plenty of food in my fridge; gas in my car. The basics that many don't have. My life isn't easy, I don't know anyone who has that, but I am grateful for all my blessings.
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ReplyDeleteAfter my day yesterday I'm very thankful for wine.