A lot of the messages consisted of me whining about studying (hey it was the very end of law school) and me whining about my job (I was working at a law firm as a law clerk and absolutely hated it). Sprinkled in between my whining were some really cute and sweet messages. Things like "can't wait to see you," "I adore you," and other cutesy things that brand new couples say to each other.
There were messages about planning our second date in Vegas (see picture below) and Brady asking me what kind of Starbucks drink he should bring me in the morning. My reply was "venti zen green tea, two bags, with an inch of soy." He definitely can't say that he was surprised that I'm high maintenance.
So this is our first picture together as an item. We look so young. So full of hope and promise.
Four years, the bar exam, two apartments, one house, two bulldogs, an engagment, a wedding, and a pregnancy later, here we are. Dear Lord we have aged a lot in four years. Although it has been a jam packed four years.

We no longer communicate via myspace. Now we are lucky to exchange two texts or emails during the work day. Usually we have a full catch up on our day as we are about to fall asleep and sometimes we just pass out. The cutesy messages have been replaced with things like "did you pay the mortgage?" and "you need to change a lightbulb upstairs." While practical matters rule our life, we still find little ways to let each other know that we still adore each other. Like this weekend Brady fully completed his "honey do" list (well he still has one light bulb to change but close enough). If that doesn't say "I adore you," I don't know what does!
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