I certainly did not like seeing him get his shots. And I don't think it is fair that I had to hold down his little legs while he got them. I pay a lot of money for insurance, there should be someone else to hold down his legs in torture.
But he did get some pretty cool snoopy bandaids.

Poor thing, he has his mother's thighs. The chubby thigh look is much cuter on a baby than a 30 year old woman.

I brought Stephanie for moral support since Captain America had to work. The doctor told me that right after the Beast got his shots I should breastfeed him to comfort him. Well the Beast was screaming bloody murder after his shots, there was no time for the hooter hider, so Stephanie got an eye full of some boob. She was a good sport about it and politely turned away and stared at the wall.
Even though I spent an hour at Target yesterday and spent a small fortune, I didn't have any baby tylenol. Super mom fail. I stopped at CVS on the way home. I couldn't find the baby tylenol so I asked the pharmacy clerk where I could find baby tylenol. She looked at me like I was speaking gibberish and said, "what?" "Baby tylenol, where is it?" She replies, "oh you mean infant tylenol?" Um yeah, last time I checked baby and infant where interchangeable. If I say baby tylenol I mean tylenol for babies aka infants. I don't mean little, tiny pills of tylenol that are "babies."
I was very worried that the Beast would not handle the shots well. He assured me that he was fine and even gave me a fist bump to show that he was all good.

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