All because Brady has become a slave to his law firm. Lately he has been working like crazy. I am usually in bed when he gets home. At first, this was kind of nice. I could watch whatever I wanted on t.v., I didn't have to watch sports and then watch the episode of Sportscenter recapping the game that we just finished watching. But now this is getting a little ridiculous. I miss Brady. I miss the sports! I miss him reading random news stories online with a "hey did you hear about...." every five minutes. I definitely miss having dinner with him. That is when we get to catch up about the day. We have pretty much no contact during the work day. There is the occasional "I love you" text or the occassional "hey pick up the dry cleaning or we'll be going to work naked" text. But we don't talk on the phone or email so I really don't get to talk to him till he gets home.
Don't get me wrong, I am extremely proud of him for his dedication and work ethic. He is working hard for our family (husband, wife, and bullies counts as a family) and I appreciate it immensely. Now he just needs to come home, I'll even put Sportscenter on, I promise!